Here's how it works:
Obtain confirmation, register, make an appointment.
Before you can arrange an initial appointment with us, a few things need to be arranged. We will guide you through the entire registration process and will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

1. Medical examination
Talk to your doctor and ask whether a manufacturer that supports patient support programs is suitable for your medication.
2. Confirmation
Please send us confirmation from your medical practice by e-mail or by post. We will contact you as soon as possible after receipt to complete your registration.
3. Approval and login
Once you have met all the requirements for using the Elisa Support Program, we will activate your personal area of the Elisa Portal. You will then receive an access link, which you can use to access many helpful functions online at any time.
We are happy to support you
If you would like to learn more about our Patient Support Program, please email us at - we will be happy to answer your questions.